Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Male Blepharoplasty Surgery

There are an increasing number of male patients who present to our office who are excellent candiates for upper blepharoplasty surgery. Typically male patients begin to notice that they have developed an obstruction of their visual fields. This often is described as having difficulty seeing when driving out of their peripheral vision, a feeling of heaviness, or feeling tired early at work or in front of the keyboard.

When blepharoplasty surgery is performed for male patients, there are subtle differences in terms of the amount and pattern of skin to be excised as well as the positioning of the eyelid crease. Satisfaction is quite high with male patients who undergo blepharoplasty surgery.

Blepharoplasty Surgery, Upper Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty is a common procedure among young women. Women typically come into the office in consultation with a complaint that their eyes feel tired or heavy at the end of the day. They often describe a sensation of fullness on the lateral aspect of their upper eyelids that either makes them feel tired or look tired. 

Q: What is commonly involved in a blepharoplasty procedure?

A: Upper blepharoplasty procedures are very common. Blepharoplasty procedures are commonly performed under general anesthesia. I find that patients are often most comfortable under general anesthesia when performing surgery on the eyelids. I find that when the patient is relaxed, the entire surgical experience is much more enjoyable.

Q: What is the recovery time for upper blepharoplasty?

A: I typically tell patients that if surgery is done on Friday, on Monday they are fine going back to work...meaning e-mails, cell phone, phone conference meetings, or paperwork. Typically, I prefer if patients wait for a full two weeks before performing any heavy lifting or straining.

Patients are instructed to sleep with the head of their bed elevated for 48 hours to reduce swelling. Bruising can occur and can be visible for anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks.

There is usually one suture placed on each eyelid that is removed at approximately 5 days following surgery.

All patients are given pain pills such as Percocet or Vicodin. Typically, patients do not complain of any pain following upper eyelid surgery and can easily convert to Tylenol or Motrin within a day or two.