Saturday, March 26, 2011

Laser Facelift:Fractional CO2 Laser for Young Women

The fractional CO2 laser is becoming a very effecitve tool for managing early signs of aging in the younger population. Early signs of aging such as crow's feet, lower eyelid skin laxity, and irregular pigmentation or dyschromias may be effectively managed by the CO2 laser. Many women who are in their early thirties and who present with early signs of aging often choose to undergo facial rejuvenation with the CO2 laser and then undergo facelift surgery years after CO2 laser resurfacing.

Adjustment of the Platysma Position and Chin Augmentation to Improve the Neck

The relative position of the inferior portion of the chin to the neckline can have a significant appearance on how youthful a neck can appear. For example, to the untrained eye it may appear in the before picture that the neck would need to be tightened. In reality the chin needs to be lowered to the position of the neckline. The addition of a chin implant, mild submental liposuction, a platysmal repositioning can have a significant impact on the youthful appearance of the neck.